Let's Get Spooky

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Fall is finally upon us and that means it’s time to watch horror movies even more than we usually do.

So pass the candy corn, queue up the Netflix and check out our list of our 25 favorite (warning: favorite does not necessarily mean best) Halloween go-tos!

 (We didn't want to limit ourselves to only streaming options, but if there's an asterisk then you can watch on Netflix!)

25. From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)

While there are definitely better vampire movies, From Dusk Till Dawn holds a special place in our hearts. Like most Robert Rodriguez movies, it has the perfect amount of campy-ness and humor as well as Salma Hayek’s iconic pre-Britney snake dance.

24. House of 1000 Corpses (2003)

Okay so Rob Zombie’s movies may not necessarily be cinematic masterpieces, but the man knows how to create a creepy aesthetic. Both House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil’s Rejects have that perfect throwback grindhouse-y vibe that we love.

23. Hocus Pocus (1993)

If you’re not into horror movies, this may be all this list has for you. It’s not Halloween until we get our yearly helping of SJP and Bette Midler as child-hungry witches.


22. Idle Hands (1999) 

Part stoner movie/part horror film/part comedy, Idle Hands is a quintessential 90s Halloween movie that (unfortunately) tends to be forgotten. The Offspring cameo and some of the outfits may make it a bit dated (1999 was a very special year), but that's part of what makes it so good.

21. Cabin Fever (2002)*

I guess we can't have a horror list without including some Eli Roth. Cabin Fever is a little stereotypical in the sense of it being about teens gone wild in the woods, but it's self aware enough to still be a good time. Just a heads up, if you're going to watch it on Netflix make sure you watch the original and not the remake because the new one is (sadly) pretty horrible.

20. The Lost Boys (1987)

Hot vampires in leather and Sexy Sax Man. Can't believe we don't have it higher on this list tbh.


19. The Descent (2005)*

While it may not be super Halloween-y, it is probably one of our favorite recent(ish) horror movies. An all female cast trapped in a cave combined with some creepy creatures always make for a good time.

18. Shaun of the Dead (2004)

We love all of the Cornetto trilogy movies (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and The World’s End), but Shaun of the Dead is arguably the most Halloween appropriate. Also, there’s a really good zombie beating scene set to Queen’s Don’t Stop Me Now.

17. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) 

Hot Johnny Depp in a crop top ftw. Probably our favorite of the classic 80s horror movies.

16. The Craft (1996)

The movie that had us playing “light as a feather, stiff as a board” at all of our middle school sleepovers. Chock full of witch-y goth goodness, 90s babes and rad outfits it gives us all the fall inspo we need. Fairuza Balk in pleather ftw.

15. Evil Dead II (1987)

Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi: two of our favorite things. ♥

While we love the whole trilogy (and the TV show, which is on Netflix), Evil Dead II is probably our favorite one. Don’t worry if you haven’t seen the first one because they provide a very quick recap to get you up to speed.

14. The Frighteners (1996)

This 90s gem features Michael J. Fox as a paranormal investigator battling the forces of evil. It's creepy with a good amount of comedy and also has the Sonic Youth cover of Superstar in it so it has to be good.

13. The House of the Devil (2009) 

Another recent(ish) horror movie with a rad throwback vibe (think Stranger Things) is Ti West’s House of the Devil. Set in 1980, it focuses on a girl who ends up with a very sus babysitting job in a creepy mansion. What could possibly go wrong? Also, indie it-girl Greta Gerwig is in it so it gets bonus points.

12. It Follows (2015)*

While this is a little newer than most of the films on our list, it instantly became one of our favorites. It maintains a super creepy atmosphere from start to finish and also has a throwback vibe.

11. The Cabin in the Woods (2012)

Cabin in the Woods is another excellent horror movie with a perfect amount of humor as well as a postmodern twist. It was also written and produced by Joss Whedon and has Jesse Williams in it which is also good. 

10. Donnie Darko (2001)*

This has been one of our Halloween favorites since high school and still has yet to get old. Drew Barrymore, baby Jake Gyllenhaal and what is arguably one of the best soundtracks.

9. Ghostbusters (1984)*

If you haven't watched Ghostbusters in like 10 years and you don't think it will be as good, we can tell you from experience that you are incorrect. Also we still have a huge crush on Sigourney both before AND after she is possessed by Zuul.

8. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) 

We watch a lot of horror movies, but the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre is probably still one of the creepiest horror films ever made. Even after 40 years it still creeps us out and has kept us from taking road trips in rural areas.

7. Scream (1996)

Probably our favorite of the teen slasher movies and our second Wes Craven movie on the list. With its iconic opening to it’s constant references and homages to past horror movies, we feel like we still discover new things when we watch it (i.e. Rose McGowan wearing the same top as Johnny Depp in Nightmare on Elm Street).

6. Beetlejuice (1988)


Baby goth Winona might be our favorite Winona. A Halloween classic.

5. Halloween (1978)

Before she was on Scream Queens, Jamie Lee Curtis was a scream queen in the Halloween franchise. Definitely a requirement for the holiday season. We also enjoy Halloween III which somehow has nothing to do with the other movies but is still fun to watch.

4. Night of the Living Dead (1968) 

When it comes to zombies, we had to go old school. We love all things George A. Romero but our favorite may have to be his original.

3. Carrie (1976) 

Hell hath no fury like a weird girl scorned. Even if we already know how it ends, we still love to watch this horror classic every October.

2. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)

We obviously can’t do Halloween without this one. Perfect outfits, perfect songs, perfect movie. Also important: really good leather jackets and Tim Curry’s legs.

1. Rosemary’s Baby (1968)

Fab outfits, devil worship and John Cassavetes? No wonder it’s our favorite horror movie. We always kick our Halloween movie binge off with Rosemary’s Baby and we love it more every year.

We hope you enjoyed our list and hope this will hold you over until October. If you have any of your own recommendations feel free to send them our way as we're always looking for new horror movies to check out (and we're beginning to run out). 

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